
54,727 people have trusted me to help them reach their next level.
Today it’s your turn.

Some of my clients are Oscar nominees, Nobel-Peace prize contenders,
top-earning business owners and executives.

And, some are everyday folks who are also in love with transforming
the world with their work. People like performance artists, coaches,
auto-body experts and educators.

All are potential legacy-makers.

The work we do together is profound, identity-shifting, and allows
them to finally step into a whole new way of being in the world.

But, what does this have to do with you?


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You’ve probably invested a good deal of time and energy towards improving your life and your business -- because that’s what successful people do.

But, let me ask you something… how much work did you do on expanding your capacity?

How much did you work on your ability to hold more so you can be more? Probably very little even though it may feel like you did some serious personal development, mindset and inner work.

Ouch, right?

I’m not saying that to be mean, but what I know about you is, you don’t want someone to placate you… you want the truth because you simply don’t have time for (and are probably done with) half-truth, bypassed approaches. You didn’t get to where you are by doing anything half-assed.

And, because you go full-throttle on everything you do, you probably think you need one or more of the following:

  • revamped business strategy/model
  • outsized vision board with to-do’s on Post-It notes
  • solution to your “leads problem”
  • specialized recruiter and revised resume
  • wild cash marketing funnel
  • ideal astrological dates for the coming months
  • the latest new-age technique cropping up across social media ads

But NONE of that is what you actually need to step into a whole new way of being.

Because, it’s not about your strategy… it’s about your capacity.

That means the most important move to make next is learning how to hold more…

If you want to grow to your next level, then how you shift and expand
your capacity now will determine whether or not you spend the upcoming year
being triggered and stifled by world events, chasing your tail or hoping and wishing for different results while you feel compelled to repeat the same cycles.

It is profoundly important that you get this.

This will make the difference between realizing your potential or making yet another lateral shift. Please know, it really doesn’t matter how brilliantly successful you already are or what genius strategist you have in your back pocket. Capacity is your final frontier.


Working with Lisa has been more than I imagined it would be. Right from the start, I was able to use Lisa’s coaching to gain more confidence and see myself as a high-level CEO. Working with Lisa allowed me to address issues with my sense of self-worth and expand my capacity in those areas.

As a result, this led to my securing contracts that gained back my investment in less than 2 months, more than doubling my prices and getting clients to pay it and to successfully look at and start to address my issues around my self-worthiness. Lisa is a no-nonsense loving force who is gifted at getting to the soul’s work of leadership. I look forward to every call.


Conflict Resolution Strategist, Author, Speaker, Coach

So lean in And listen up...

it’s all about aligning your internal and external world to match where you want to go next.
Every area of your life needs to be in alignment with your destination.

If you don’t have that alignment, you simply won’t have the capacity to
receive your next level.

The level of capacity you have to hold, expand, and RECEIVE the next
level of your life and business determines who you become.

In order to step into a new way of being in the world, your capacity levels
MUST expand. There is no “strategy” for this. Only the Capacity Work™.

And how do you expand your capacity so you can actually hold, handle and receive your next level?

You need a proven framework that’s going to shine a light in all those murky, cloudy areas. And, you need a guide who’s not afraid of the dark.


This has been the most powerful work I have ever invested in. There are so many specific teachings that have guided me to new insights both in my own life and ideas that I have already used with clients. It has helped me to be bolder, trust myself and move faster than before (and not only in my business). Lisa’s support was spot on, there for both good counsel and accountability. Thank you!


Coach, Entrepreneur

I’m Lisa

and I made friends with shadows when I stepped, with both feet, into my own next level 11 years ago, when I started my business and quickly realized my own vision required way more of me than I had to offer at the time. I had to become. I had to earn it. I had to do the work.

My mission is to provide you with next-level support so you can expand your capacity, reclaim your agency, solidify your legacy, and step into a whole new way of being in the world.

I’m going to show you how capacity (NOT strategy) is the key to a whole new way of being.

And...I’m going to show you how Capacity Deficits™ are showing up for YOU in your life and business in the areas of:

  • Money
  • Visibility
  • Purpose
  • Embodiment (emotional, spiritual, mental and physical capacity)
  • Structure
  • Boundaries
Lisa photo

You’re going to see clearly not only where your plateau is, but why you’re stuck there and what you can do about it.

You may find yourself realizing you need capacity-expanding support in more than a few of these areas. And, that’s OK. Everyone operating at this level meets this head-on. It’s absolutely normal.

But, you must make the “switch” to rise out of the quicksand.

I can guarantee -- what you’ll learn -- you’ve never heard
ANYTHING like this from any business mastermind, strategic
expert, or revenue-mapping process.

yet it will make all the difference.


Working with Lisa has been fundamentally transformational. Even though I’ve had a successful corporate career, I’ve operated with a very dominant and loud scarcity mindset for four decades. This affected everything from underearning, not asking for raises and promotions and not investing enough.

Within four months of working with Lisa, that shifted. I have a much more abundant mindset now which is positively impacting my relationships (friends, family, boyfriend, work colleagues), career prospects, business opportunities, my retirement investments and more. Working with Lisa has opened me up to a completely new way of BEING in the world - one that is way more powerful than I ever imagined. The beauty is, she sees my bigness when I can’t (or more accurately, won’t) and calls me out on my b.s. so that I can grow and really use my gifts to their highest level.


Corporate Executive & Leadership Coach

I know you’re someone who wants to live their life according to your own standards of excellence. Mediocrity is not your thing. You willingly choose discomfort over comfort, even and especially, if it means the outcome is a more sovereign, aligned, and peaceful you.

And I don’t want your capacity (or lack of it) holding you back from doing that, ever.

At this point, the only question is: are you ready to stop trying to figure this out on your own? Are you ready to say goodbye to self-defeating habits and ever-expanding to-do lists?

Only you know if you’re ready to stop playing “the game” and stop coming in third place; so you can start winning at being the highest version of yourself. The self who can hold, handle and receive what’s always been yours.

And, what if I told you, you could start right now?


CAPACITY ACCELERATOR™: a self-guided journey into Capacity Work™ for people ready to create a profound shift in their capacity to receive, hold and handle the next level of their lives.

Quizzes and personal capacity assessments to unlock your unique personal Capacity Code™.

Audio trainings and assignments to support you in expanding every area of your capacity.

Private Facebook group for community and support.

Strong community of participants who are a perfect fit to help witness and cheer you on to your next level.

Capacity Kickstart™ video workshop: 18 videos to help you pinpoint your Capacity Deficits™ and
visualize what your life looks like in Capacity Equilibrium™. (value $150)

Complimentary admission to the Virtual Capacity Retreat, a 4-hour, real-time, experience.
(value $500)

INVESTMENT: $199/mo.


  • You’re into radical self-responsibility.
  • You’re open minded and love to learn new things.
  • You’re willing to understand that results don’t happen overnight and honor your own pace.
  • You’re coachable and can handle a coach that will be honest and sometimes give you some tough love that will change your life in the best of ways.
  • You’re willing to get control of your ego and let your Soul lead the way.
  • You want to raise your prices and get over the fear of doing that.
  • You’re ready to put your next big project out there into the world and want to do bigger things with your money.
  • You want to stop feeling anxious and afraid about your cash flow (whether you make a little or a lot of money) and form a relationship of profound trust with money.
  • You’re tired of setting “realistic” money goals for yourself because you’re afraid that money isn’t your friend and will always drop you.
  • It’s for you if you had a career or business before that you took a break from and now you want to “get back in the game again” and start earning like you did before.


  • Whiners
  • Blamers
  • Complainers
  • Triangulators
  • Projectors
  • Controllers
  • Nitpickers
  • Perfectionists
  • People who won’t release their old stories
  • People who need coddling/expect a mom to nag them as “accountability”
  • People who need to constantly mention “all the work” they’ve done and how “advanced” they are in personal development.
  • People who are “surprised” when someone can teach them something new.
  • People who want quick fixes or for problems to be solved within a specific time frame (Capacity Work™ doesn’t work that way.)


Is this like every other self-guided program I’ve bought and never did, because I didn’t have live coaching calls to attend?

You’re wondering if this work will be another program you buy and just sits on your digital shelf. The answer is: maybe. Because, what I can tell you is you won’t be getting 1,001 prompts and reminders. There’s no “gamification”. There’s nothing to keep your mind busy while you avoid doing real Capacity Work™. Because that’s not Capacity Work.

This world today? It requires people who can think for themselves and take self-directed action. It requires that we stop handing over our agency to external accountability systems -- digital mommies and daddies. That’s an insult to your sovereignty and I won’t be a part of it.

The version of you who would allow this to sit on your digital shelf is the same version of you who needs to be upleveled via expanded capacity. Deal with your capacity issues and the only time you’ll ever leave anything unfinished on your plate is when you’ve decided you’re done eating at that table. That’s capacity.

Which means, joining us in Capacity Accelerator just may be the best thing you’ve done for this current version of yourself in a long while. And, don’t you deserve it? Why not you?

How long is this?

There is no “end” to Capacity Work. If you’re a growth oriented person, you’re going to be working on your Capacity for the rest of your life, because every new level requires more Capacity. This is a monthly recurring program. However, please don’t join us if you’re just going to be in and out, not really committing to yourself or the work.

Is this only for women?

Nope! Capacity Work is FOR EVERYONE. However you identify, you're welcome. This is an inclusive, accepting space. If you’re ready to do the work, you’re welcome.

Is this only for entrepreneurs?

Nope! Capacity Work is for everyone. In Capacity Accelerator we’ve had: lawyers, designers, artists, auto-body shop owners, teachers, corporate leaders, dancers, coaches, entrepreneurs, small business owners, actors and more!


Lisa will rock your world! Lisa makes taking your life and work to the next level pleasurable and authentic. She’ll lovingly push you out of your comfort zone and help you create a business you actually love. There are no gimmicks, just solid strategies that you can use over and over again. Having started my business several years ago, I can say that this work is effective whether you’re a beginner or someone who’s more advanced.

I made more than 6 times my investment (yes you read that right- 6 times) within a matter of weeks of joining the program, so the program paid for itself!




Working with Lisa has been worth every penny. My life has improved drastically—from my marriage to my career to my entire outlook on life. This is a container of continuous learning, reprogramming and most important—unconditional support. Working with Lisa is a must.


Broadway & Recording Artist, www.lubamason.com