Hear from Our Past Participants

Lynne Hurdle

Conflict Resolution Strategist, Author, Speaker, Coach

"Working with Lisa has been more than I imagined it would be. Right from the start, I was able to use Lisa’s coaching to gain more confidence and see myself as a high-level CEO. Working with Lisa allowed me to address issues with my sense of self-worth and expand my capacity in those areas. 

As a result, this led to my securing contracts that gained back my investment in less than 2 months, more than doubling my prices and getting clients to pay it and to successfully look at and start to address my issues around my self-worthiness. Lisa is a no-nonsense loving force who is gifted at getting to the soul’s work of leadership. I look forward to every call.

Darla Ledoux

CEO of Sourced Retreats

"My early coaches were amazing at helping me to soar past the half-million point very quickly. Then I hit a plateau, growing minimally over the next few years. I'd invested in several high-level masterminds with brilliant marketers, and tried many different strategies, but it didn't shift my experience. I was becoming disheartened, and bored.

Lisa has helped me shift so many subtle energy patterns that led to major shifts in my business. I'm now in a place of such momentum and on track to more than double my business. But the best part is how happy I FEEL. I am so TUNED IN that I am running a much more peaceful business."

Ebonie Allard


"Working with Lisa in the mastermind has given me exactly what I needed to take myself seriously, own my gifts and talents & take center stage in my own life. This means that I have more of a personal life than I ever had before, all whilst my business, income, team, and clients have grown to rise and match the woman that I am becoming."

Janelle Johnson

Educator & CEO of Sage Fire Wellness

"The investment I made to work with Lisa is one of the best investments I have made in my life thus far. Since working with Lisa, I have grown in ways I could not have anticipated ahead of time.  My internal grounding is stronger, I feel anchored and stable even when the world around me is stormy.  Because of my work with Lisa I now know how to make choices that are truly in alignment for my and my mission’s higher good. I am consistently clearer and more balanced in the daily demands of my work. 

I started a new business supporting naturopathic practitioners while working with Lisa and within the first month I made close to $30,000 dollars and had filled my mastermind program. Plus, I signed a new client into this new business at my new higher rates. I feel empowered and on the path that is my true soul's calling."

Christine Egan

Author & Health Revolutionary

"The Mastermind held a space for me so that I could rise above my stuck feelings and walk into the spotlight of author and truth speaker with a confidence that I didn’t have before.

When I joined Lisa’s Mastermind, I was about to have a book published, titled “The Healthy Girls Guide To Breast Cancer,” and I was scared to death of walking into that role of author, talking about cancer, talking about health and sharing my journey. By joining the Mastermind, Lisa and the rest of my Sisterhood in the program helped me to create the vision of success and impact that I wanted. The Mastermind held a space for me so that I could rise above my stuck feelings and walk into the spotlight of author and truth speaker with a confidence that I didn’t have before.

The tools that I learned in the Mastermind help me on a daily basis. I am constantly checking in with myself: How do I want to feel and what is it that I need to change in order for that to happen? I’m now coming back for a second year in the Mastermind."

Geralyn Power

Diamond Leader at DoTerra & Life Coach

"I decided to work with Lisa because I was feeling tired, burned out and overwhelmed. I also felt like the amount of time and effort that I put into my work wasn’t reflected in the amount of money I was making and the people and opportunities I was attracting into my business. Something wasn’t right.

Working with Lisa I became a gold leader with DoTerra and then a few months later, Diamond ($50,000/month and up). For most people, it takes about a year to hit that rank, and I did it in four months. I now have about 300 women on my team globally. For my signature coaching program, which Lisa helped me create, I set a goal to attract and bring in a certain number of clients every month. I have surpassed that goal easily.

One of the biggest realizations I’ve had since working with Lisa is that I can only work with people who I know are there to lift me higher and support my leadership. I experienced that with Lisa and I’m so grateful for all of the guidance and support."

Amy Fortney Parks

Parent Coach & Child Psychologist

"I began working with Lisa nearly two years ago and in my wildest dreams I never imagined the transformation that would unfold from that simple beginning. After working with Lisa one-on-one for a while, I practically begged her to let me into her Mastermind! That’s when even morel magic began to happen!

I left a job that I had spent nearly 20 years struggling to enjoy to move into my own dream private practice as a Child Psychologist and have now launched a business as a Parent Coach! Being an entrepreneur can be hard - I’m also a wife and mother to 4 teenagers - that can be SUPER hard! But through participating in the Mastermind, I now have a network of soul sisters that have my back and hold space for me in this universe every single day.

As a result of working with Lisa I made $100,000 in my first year of business and multiple six figures after that!"

Angelina Deweese


"I was feeling stuck in my life and business and unsure what direction I wanted to go in. I had been health coaching in a successful business, but it no longer felt aligned. I felt stuck in every moment which took me away from being present with my husband and kids.

After working with Lisa I have stepped into my power with my own mother, communicating more effectively to my hubby, new levels of honesty with myself and my biz partner and have new levels of creativity as I stopped looking to others as the guides. I have now started a new business, which quickly climbed to multiple six figures."

Stacy De La Rosa

Artist, Autor, Photographer

"When I made the decision to work with Lisa, I had an existing business, a loyal following, and had spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on coaches and programs, but I still couldn’t seem to elevate and grow my business to where I wanted to be.

Just the first week working with her shifted everything for me and my business.

This work was the missing key in all the other programs I had previously participated in.  As a working mother, I also really appreciated how Lisa set this program up to be results-driven with a feminine focus that allows for pleasurable action-taking.

The first month working with Lisa, I made back three times what I had invested. I was able to infuse my truth and align myself with my message in the work I was already doing. I also learned how to take all the ideas I had which were overwhelming me and focus on the ones that would make the most impact with my clients, and my bank account.

I am now doing the kind of work that was once only a part of my wildest dreams and being paid more than I have in the entire five years I have owned my business. If you are on the fence about working with Lisa, I can tell you that it was the most powerful coaching experience I have ever had."

Lynn Smith

Ph.D, CLC, & Coach

"Working with Lisa inspired and empowered me to move past my fears, limiting beliefs, and sabotaging behaviors. Before, I was incapacitated by fear.

I am now moving past my fears and taking action to create the life I was born to live. I am no longer holding myself back and I am stepping into my power and purpose. I just released my book and will launch my coaching practice this month.  I am so grateful to Lisa for the sacred space, tools, and encouragement for me to face and overcome my fears."


Attention All Accomplished Entrepreneurs, Action-takers, & Courageous Disruptors Who Want Epic Visibility Without Burnout



Attention All Accomplished Entrepreneurs, Action-takers, & Courageous Disruptors Who Want Epic Visibility Without Burnout

You're About to Discover

✅ HOW my client Marc Aarons made an extra $100000 by simplifying his visibility strategies and customize them to his unique business’ needs so he can scale joyfully!

✅ Why more visibility does NOT have to equal more burnout & overwhelm.

✅ How to grow your capacity as you grow your visibility and scale your brand

✅ How to effectively scale your visibility without overwhelming or complicated strategies that cost you too much time, energy and money.

Hear from Our Past Participants

Lynne Hurdle

Conflict Resolution Strategist, Author, Speaker, Coach

"Working with Lisa has been more than I imagined it would be. Right from the start, I was able to use Lisa’s coaching to gain more confidence and see myself as a high-level CEO. Working with Lisa allowed me to address issues with my sense of self-worth and expand my capacity in those areas. 

As a result, this led to my securing contracts that gained back my investment in less than 2 months, more than doubling my prices and getting clients to pay it and to successfully look at and start to address my issues around my self-worthiness. Lisa is a no-nonsense loving force who is gifted at getting to the soul’s work of leadership. I look forward to every call.

Darla Ledoux

CEO of Sourced Retreats

"My early coaches were amazing at helping me to soar past the half-million point very quickly. Then I hit a plateau, growing minimally over the next few years. I'd invested in several high-level masterminds with brilliant marketers, and tried many different strategies, but it didn't shift my experience. I was becoming disheartened, and bored.

Lisa has helped me shift so many subtle energy patterns that led to major shifts in my business. I'm now in a place of such momentum and on track to more than double my business. But the best part is how happy I FEEL. I am so TUNED IN that I am running a much more peaceful business."

Ebonie Allard


"Working with Lisa in the mastermind has given me exactly what I needed to take myself seriously, own my gifts and talents & take center stage in my own life. This means that I have more of a personal life than I ever had before, all whilst my business, income, team, and clients have grown to rise and match the woman that I am becoming."

Janelle Johnson

Educator & CEO of Sage Fire Wellness

"The investment I made to work with Lisa is one of the best investments I have made in my life thus far. Since working with Lisa, I have grown in ways I could not have anticipated ahead of time.  My internal grounding is stronger, I feel anchored and stable even when the world around me is stormy.  Because of my work with Lisa I now know how to make choices that are truly in alignment for my and my mission’s higher good. I am consistently clearer and more balanced in the daily demands of my work. 

I started a new business supporting naturopathic practitioners while working with Lisa and within the first month I made close to $30,000 dollars and had filled my mastermind program. Plus, I signed a new client into this new business at my new higher rates. I feel empowered and on the path that is my true soul's calling."

Christine Egan

Author & Health Revolutionary

"The Mastermind held a space for me so that I could rise above my stuck feelings and walk into the spotlight of author and truth speaker with a confidence that I didn’t have before.

When I joined Lisa’s Mastermind, I was about to have a book published, titled “The Healthy Girls Guide To Breast Cancer,” and I was scared to death of walking into that role of author, talking about cancer, talking about health and sharing my journey. By joining the Mastermind, Lisa and the rest of my Sisterhood in the program helped me to create the vision of success and impact that I wanted. The Mastermind held a space for me so that I could rise above my stuck feelings and walk into the spotlight of author and truth speaker with a confidence that I didn’t have before.

The tools that I learned in the Mastermind help me on a daily basis. I am constantly checking in with myself: How do I want to feel and what is it that I need to change in order for that to happen? I’m now coming back for a second year in the Mastermind."

Geralyn Power

Diamond Leader at DoTerra & Life Coach

"I decided to work with Lisa because I was feeling tired, burned out and overwhelmed. I also felt like the amount of time and effort that I put into my work wasn’t reflected in the amount of money I was making and the people and opportunities I was attracting into my business. Something wasn’t right.

Working with Lisa I became a gold leader with DoTerra and then a few months later, Diamond ($50,000/month and up). For most people, it takes about a year to hit that rank, and I did it in four months. I now have about 300 women on my team globally. For my signature coaching program, which Lisa helped me create, I set a goal to attract and bring in a certain number of clients every month. I have surpassed that goal easily.

One of the biggest realizations I’ve had since working with Lisa is that I can only work with people who I know are there to lift me higher and support my leadership. I experienced that with Lisa and I’m so grateful for all of the guidance and support."

Amy Fortney Parks

Parent Coach & Child Psychologist

"I began working with Lisa nearly two years ago and in my wildest dreams I never imagined the transformation that would unfold from that simple beginning. After working with Lisa one-on-one for a while, I practically begged her to let me into her Mastermind! That’s when even morel magic began to happen!

I left a job that I had spent nearly 20 years struggling to enjoy to move into my own dream private practice as a Child Psychologist and have now launched a business as a Parent Coach! Being an entrepreneur can be hard - I’m also a wife and mother to 4 teenagers - that can be SUPER hard! But through participating in the Mastermind, I now have a network of soul sisters that have my back and hold space for me in this universe every single day.

As a result of working with Lisa I made $100,000 in my first year of business and multiple six figures after that!"

Angelina Deweese


"I was feeling stuck in my life and business and unsure what direction I wanted to go in. I had been health coaching in a successful business, but it no longer felt aligned. I felt stuck in every moment which took me away from being present with my husband and kids.

After working with Lisa I have stepped into my power with my own mother, communicating more effectively to my hubby, new levels of honesty with myself and my biz partner and have new levels of creativity as I stopped looking to others as the guides. I have now started a new business, which quickly climbed to multiple six figures."

Stacy De La Rosa

Artist, Autor, Photographer

"When I made the decision to work with Lisa, I had an existing business, a loyal following, and had spent hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on coaches and programs, but I still couldn’t seem to elevate and grow my business to where I wanted to be.

Just the first week working with her shifted everything for me and my business.

This work was the missing key in all the other programs I had previously participated in.  As a working mother, I also really appreciated how Lisa set this program up to be results-driven with a feminine focus that allows for pleasurable action-taking.

The first month working with Lisa, I made back three times what I had invested. I was able to infuse my truth and align myself with my message in the work I was already doing. I also learned how to take all the ideas I had which were overwhelming me and focus on the ones that would make the most impact with my clients, and my bank account.

I am now doing the kind of work that was once only a part of my wildest dreams and being paid more than I have in the entire five years I have owned my business. If you are on the fence about working with Lisa, I can tell you that it was the most powerful coaching experience I have ever had."

Lynn Smith

Ph.D, CLC, & Coach

"Working with Lisa inspired and empowered me to move past my fears, limiting beliefs, and sabotaging behaviors. Before, I was incapacitated by fear.

I am now moving past my fears and taking action to create the life I was born to live. I am no longer holding myself back and I am stepping into my power and purpose. I just released my book and will launch my coaching practice this month.  I am so grateful to Lisa for the sacred space, tools, and encouragement for me to face and overcome my fears."