lisa fabrega

Picture of a client at one of my mastermind retreats in Santa Barbara
Several years ago, I was scrolling through Facebook when yet another ad from some ‘guru’ offering to ‘triple my revenue’ popped up. I rolled my eyes, clicked ‘hide ad’ and moved on.
I’d spent two years stuck at a revenue plateau in my business. I’d hired at least 5-6 different coaches and experts, read at least three books and been tempted by at least fifty ads that promised the solution.
These ads created such a longing inside of me that always turned into pain and frustration.
I felt like I’d tried everything, continuously spent savings that I replenished, only to then spend again on another person who would feel confident they could solve my problem… until they couldn’t.
It was torturous, it was starting to affect my confidence and it made me feel like no one ‘got’ me and maybe I was just ‘not cut out’ to have the LARGE impact I longed to have.
None of these things were working: Working harder. Strategies. The best business coaches and funnel experts. Facebook ad gurus that promised me a huge return on my investment. Amazing funnel experts. Manifesting formulas, crystals and a million sessions with my energy healer.
Full confession: I got to the point where I got REALLY jaded. I was downright cynical about anything actually helping me. So after throwing $100,000 at the problem, I decided to stop paying more strategic experts to help me find the problem.
I was having a temper tantrum towards the Universe and ‘digging in my heels’ so to speak.
Today I’m SO GLAD I had my temper tantrum because it caused me to STOP looking at strategies as the ONLY solution. And it made me start examining something FAR more influential to my earnings than any strategy: my MONEY CAPACITY.
When I ‘gave up,’ I started asking myself crucial questions about whether I TRULY was ready to hold, handle and receive the money I wanted to make beyond $300,000 (that was my revenue plateau at the time).
Did I really have the things I needed to have in place to be able to generate and comfortably handle that amount of money?
When I asked myself those two questions, I did what we all have to do in order to have a real breakthrough: I answered honestly. Painfully so.
And I realized the problem wasn’t that I didn’t have amazing strategies and strategists on my side. The real problem was that I didn’t have the MONEY CAPACITY to RECEIVE, HOLD & HANDLE all the money I said I wanted to bring in.
I actually wasn’t ready for the next level of money, even though I’d already achieved multiple six figures. This is why I always say, Money Capacity affects EVERY ONE OF US. No matter what your earning level is.
I had a major money blindspot. And when I talked to a trusted mentor about it, and did my own Money Capacity work, she and I discovered what it was.
Here’s the shocker:
What I realized as I did my own Money Capacity work is that deep inside, one of my subconscious fears was surpassing my father in earning.
Now, this wasn’t my father’s fault and he’d tell you he only wishes for me to thrive and make all the money I want. But because I always felt connected to my father on the ‘entrepreneurial’ level, at some point I made a silent, one-sided agreement with him.
As a child, I’d always felt my father got picked on and emasculated at times by some of the strong women in my family. I didn’t like it. It felt hurtful, even though he laughed and seemed to love it.
So I unconsciously made a secret agreement when I was young that I’d always ‘stick by him,’ wanting to make sure at least one person showed him he was respected and looked up to.
One of the ways I ‘stuck by him’ and chose ‘not to emasculate’ him was by subconsciously making sure I didn’t earn more than he did.
When I realized this was one of my MONEY BLINDSPOTS at the core of my Money Capacity limitations, I was SHOCKED. I’d been teaching and participating in personal development, PLUS going to weekly therapy for YEARS at that point.
When I tell you this knocked me on my ass like a stun gun, it did. I’ve always thought of myself as a person who’s comfortable making lots of money. So, it shook my identity to the core.
I’m telling you this because most of the time we THINK we know what the core of our Money Capacity issue is. BUT in actuality, we have NO IDEA and it’s something we never,
ever could have imagined on our own.
In ALL cases, working on Money Capacity™ not only helped me FINALLY break past my $300,000 plateau, but it also helped my clients with their own subconscious money blindspots do the same.
Our biggest breakthroughs around our money and our earning potential always lie in our biggest blind spots.
This is why we need people who know how to help us pinpoint the REAL problem in order to stop spinning our wheels.
That’s exactly why I opened up the virtual Money Capacity retreat.
If you don’t find the MONEY BLINDSPOT that’s holding you back from reaching your full financial potential, you know what else gets held back? Your life purpose. Your impact. The very particular way only you are here to change the world.
That’s why I say to you, always, Money Capacity dictates EVERYTHING. Everything.
We have TWO SPOTS left for next week’s virtual Money Capacity retreat. I KNOW someone reading this knows it’s for them.
I know you might feel cynical about ‘one more thing’ that promises you’re going to have a money breakthrough. But there’s nothing like capacity work out there. You’ve never done work like this. That’s why I had to create it. Because I was fed up, like you.
If you’re ready to get to the CORE of your Money Capacity™ issue so you can finally get on the path to real results around your ability to earn, save and invest larger and larger sums of money… I invite you to join us.
Within the span of just four hours, you’ll walk away with a true understanding of what’s holding you back and what you need to do to break past your money plateau. You’ll STOP looking for saviors outside of you to give you the solution and instead you’ll KNOW exactly what your Money Capacity issue is and what you need to do.
PS: Have questions? Need a payment plan? Just comment on this post and I’ll be happy to PERSONALLY reply. I want to make sure you feel GREAT about your decision to join us.
PPS: If you’ve been eyeing the B-School promotion, I want you to know that this program is the perfect complement to doing the Money Capacity work and truly being able to grow your business to its next level.
When you enroll in B-School through my link here, you’ll also get $2000 in bonuses from me:
- A free ticket to one of my virtual Capacity retreats this year (pick whichever capacity topic you want – Money, Visibility or a possible future capacity topic).
- A private 30-minute call with me (valued at $1250 and only for the first five people).
- The chance to win a free ticket to my in-person Capacity Retreat in Santa Barbara. (Tickets for this are $1200.)
Enrollment closes this Friday, February 28th @7pm ET. Join B-School here now.
**Disclaimer: I am a proud partner of B-School and although I may earn a referral fee for my recommendation, that comes at no extra cost to you. And I don’t recommend ANYTHING I haven’t vetted myself first.