lisa fabrega

A picture of my friend & former client Lynne Hurdle Price and I.
(and my dogs photobombed us lol)
It’s almost time to say goodbye to 2019 and hello to a whole new year, where we’ll have new hopes, goals, and plans to go to our next level in our careers, businesses or lives.
So I wanted to have a short, but potent, heart to heart with you about the most important thing you’ll need to remember as you make your plans to rock your next year.
This might trigger some of you. That’s okay. We’ve got to let the stuff under the surface come up so that it can be released and you start the year WITHOUT these triggers running you.
Okay, here we go:
Saying you want to make a major shift or uplevel, yet being unwilling to be uncomfortable when you decide to make that shift is a contradiction.
All important and needed change is going to make you uncomfortable AF whether it be financially, emotionally, structurally, or mentally. If it’s not pretty darn uncomfortable then it’s not expanding you.
And if you don’t want to be uncomfortable beyond the level of discomfort you’re already used to, I’m sorry to say that you’re not serious enough about the shift you say you want.
The decision process to uplevel is MEANT to be uncomfortable because it’s testing you to see if you’re willing to be uncomfortable for your biggest goals. To see if you can actually handle what you say you want.
That’s why you must expand your capacity. Particularly, your capacity for discomfort.
People who’ve gotten to those “seven figures” or have the acclaim, impact and recognition you want, they’re only there because they were willing to be seriously uncomfortable on ALL levels to get there.
That’s how the Universe knows you’re actually serious about what you say you’re serious about.
The Universe also knows that you have to build your capacity to handle all those accolades.
So if you’re not willing to be at your edge of uncomfortable then you’re definitely not at the capacity level you need to achieve next year’s big goal and you can’t handle that journey.
This is one of the BIGGEST things that causes ambitious women like you to not reach your big goals.
Above is a picture of my friend & former client Lynne Hurdle Price and I.
When she signed up for one of my programs she did NOT have the money in her account & the investment was beyond her comfort zone.
But she told me “there’s no way I’m stoppable for this amount of money.”
(Hello — most inspirational thing a client has ever said to me!)
She said, “give me 36 hours & I’ll be back with the money.” 36 hours later she paid and was in.
She told me afterwards, “the act of stretching myself to come up with the money and commit expanded me so much in and of itself, I feel like I got the whole value of the program before I even started!”
Her willingness to be uncomfortable has paid off in SPADES.
She’s signed SEVERAL $65,000 clients since then, has a HIGHLY successful business and a home on each coast. When I first met Lynne, she told me those were her big goals.
Just a little over a year later she’d achieved them. Because she was willing to be uncomfortable and afraid and do it anyway.
Her story is so inspiring that I invited her to be a guest speaker and share her story with this year’s Capacity Circle mastermind retreat participants.
Because it’s a testament to how the level of discomfort we’re willing to feel is proportionate to the rewards we reap. She inspired the hell out of everyone.
So please remember this as you start planning your big goals for next year: “Safe” actions = safe results.
The gold you want is on the other side of your discomfort.
And if you can’t stand to be uncomfortable or are too afraid to be, then we’ve got some work to do on your capacity.
We have LOTS of options for you to stretch your discomfort next year — Virtual Retreats starting at only $500, a new program that is less than $400 a month, a mastermind for established business owners or career women creating their next big thing, an in-person Capacity Retreat and more.
If you want to be on the interest list for any of these, just send an email to and let me know.
In Love and Capacity,