From the blog…

Offensive bathroom break

You’ll often hear people talk about “scarcity mentality” and “abundance mentality.” I know you’ve read and internalized all the usual signs of “scarcity mentality,” so I won’t repeat what you already know.  But there’s one sneaky way scarcity mentality comes up, even in the person most convinced they’re “abundantly minded.” When I’ve pointed it out…

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Many years ago I worked with a woman who’d just written a book. She had an incredible personal story to tell and even her publishers knew it was going to blow the F up when it was released. “Marguerite” had one problem though…  She kept holding back the book launch. First, it was another round…

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How to say “pay me” when people ask to “pick your brain.”

Have you ever been at a party, dinner, or some other event, and someone finds out what you do professionally – then proceeds to ask a million questions and “pick your brain?” This happens to me all the time, and I’ve devised the perfect response I want to share with you today. Before I do,…

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The Real Reason You‘re Not Getting The Results You Want

One of my nephews is obsessed with dinosaurs. When I was visiting him in June, I took him to an arcade to play Jurassic Park. When it was over, we took all the tickets we’d collected to exchange it for a prize. He picked a magic dinosaur egg, of course. There were very specific instructions…

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