I’m doing a big scary thing

For the next 60 days, I’m doing something radical that goes against all the rules, and which several people told me they weren’t so sure I should do. Today, I’m inviting you to participate in this experiment if you want to follow along and see what happens. First, some backstory… I recently hired a new…

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I bailed last minute

I was about to head out the door to an event last week when I made a radical decision. I had my makeup on, was fully dressed, and ready to go—I even took this picture as I was about to head out the door… And then I realized the venue was a 45-minute drive for…

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Someone stole my content

In the last couple of weeks, I’ve received multiple alarmed messages from different sources telling me others are ripping off my IP on capacity – my ideas, my words, and even my whole vibe.  Back when I first started talking capacity (YEARS ago), nobody else was. It was just me, the lone voice, bringing something…

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Sooo Triggered

Over the last 15 years, I’ve had the privilege of coaching and advising some pretty incredible people. Some of them are celebrities and CEOs who, through our work together. have gone on to achieve incredible feats and grow huge brands. Many of those names I can’t reveal for confidentiality reasons…but what I CAN share with…

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I just want you to win

I know these days there are so many “business coaches” in your inbox, and on your social media page, all trying to sell you their latest course or coaching package.  But if you’re willing, I would appreciate the opportunity today to share my story with you because I think it will give you a different…

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The “Whiskey Incident”

I flew to Portland a few weeks ago for my cousin’s wedding and had the most marvelous time! The wedding was a blend of many of the cultures in my family (Persian, Latino, American, etc…), so naturally, we had a special cigar tasting table, at which I enjoyed a fabulous Cuban cigar.  And I am…

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Final notice: this ends TODAY

This is it: your absolute LAST chance to join the Epic Visibility Challenge for only $47! We start TODAY, April 10, at 1:00 pm PT / 4:00 pm ET, and I just noticed our cart is still open- so NOW is the time to get in before my team closes it down for good. I…

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Last chance!

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is the last chance to join the Epic Visibility Challenge for only $47! We start TOMORROW, April 10, at 1:00 pm PT / 4:01 pm ET, and we’ve got an amazing group of people signed up already who are ready to align their visibility strategy with their most epic vision…

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Believe it or not, there was a time when I was doing visibility ALL WRONG. A few days ago, I told you this: visibility influences EVERYTHING in your life and business. When your visibility strategy isn’t aligned, you’ll feel like you’re working so hard and the results you’re seeing aren’t worth it. When your visibility…

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 HUGE Surprise

A few days ago, I sent you an email about how, back in 2022, I decided to shut down one of our most popular visibility offerings ever, The Epic Visibility Challenge. I did this because I could see the beginnings of a deep shift in the landscape of how we want to do visibility, and…

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