From the blog…
the nasty voice
On Monday, I woke up to screaming. It was me, screaming at myself in my head, “My life is just beginning to get really good, this is only the beginning! I create my reality!” It was the voice of my higher self (I call her my sovereign self) yelling at the voice of my tricky…
it’s over
If you’ve been here for a while, then you know this: you can’t divest the topic of racism from the topic of capacity. They go hand in hand. It’s BEEN part of the capacity conversation, always. The ability (or inability) to dismantle systemic racism IS a capacity issue. The ability to have the hard conversations,…
Maybe it’s Venus retrograde. Maybe it’s the moon in Gemini. Maybe it’s month three in self isolation. But this weekend I went on a wild ride with my emotions and I found some surprising desires within that I had not been fully conscious of. Or rather, the desires were always there, but I wasn’t allowing…
the tyranny of “perfect”
I recently wrote this line in an email to one of my mentors “Being blind to my sh&t is just about the most terrifying thing I can think of. NO THANK YOU.” After I wrote this, it got me thinking about blindspots, and how terrifying it can feel to also FACE them. After speaking with…