from their lips


lisa fabrega

A few days ago I was speaking with a woman who’s on the fence about joining the virtual Visibility Capacity retreat and she expressed a concern to me.

“I’ve only been following you for a little while, your words really resonate and I’m drawn to your work… I feel like I don’t know you well enough yet to know if I can trust that this will work for me.  

I’ve invested in a lot of stuff and didn’t get results. Do you think I could talk to other women who have attended the virtual retreat?  

I’m not offended at ALL by these kinds of comments. I’m grateful for her honesty. Because I know what it feels like to make the first leap into investing in working with someone you haven’t worked with before. It’s scary.

But the beauty of this decision to join the virtual retreat is that it ALREADY starts to expand your capacity. Particularly the aspect of your capacity where you have to trust in your own instincts.

I also know hearing from other people who had the same fears is helpful. So I’ve done just that for you.

When I got the email from the woman above, I quickly fired off a little note to past participants of the virtual Visibility Capacity retreat. 

I asked them if they’d be willing to share how they got past their fears and how they felt about having attended.

I got back a BUNCH of enthusiastic YESSES from them. They had such a wonderful experience, they were dying to share about it.

So here you go. Three different women sharing their experiences with the virtual Visibility Capacity retreat on video. 

(some of them loved it so much they signed up for the Money Capacity retreat right afterwards, which you’ll hear some of them say).

These women are just like you and had the same worries you did before they decided to join. 

Watch their short 1-3 minute testimonies below, then leave me a comment and let me know which one you identified with most! 


Lisa is a world literature translator starting a new business that helps people do personal development work through reading world lit in her book club.

She actually skipped the first virtual retreat she saw because she was afraid of spending the money. She also felt weary and uncertain if being in a group of women would actually give the issues she needed help with enough attention (would she be lost in a sea of people and get the help she needed from the coach?)

When she finally decided to join, she “felt heard for the first time ever by a coach” (and she’d already worked with a few before me). You’ll also hear why she ended up LOVING the group aspect that she was weary of before joining.

Hear about her breakthroughs and how this virtual retreat was DIFFERENT than anything else she’d attended before and why this is the thing that finally worked for her.


Elena has been a coach for 20 years and runs a successful membership program. 

Even though she’s an experienced and seasoned coach and entrepreneur, during the virtual Visibility Capacity retreat she opened up a whole other aspect of her business. She now feels like she’s doing the most aligned work she’s ever done.

She says the virtual retreat and the coaching she received during the retreat  “blew her wide open” and her own coaching capacity & depth she’s able to go to with clients now has expanded. 

Listen to her amazing story and results here:



Angelica is a corporate career woman who is also starting her own consulting business on the side.

She experienced huge breakthroughs that not only helped her book speaking gigs at various prestigious conferences in her industry… but also the expansion in her visibility from the virtual retreat made her senior managers notice her at work and she’s on track for a raise and promotion. 

Hear about her experience with the virtual retreat here:


That’s all for today, but hopefully, these amazing women have soothed some of your fears and hesitations with their shared experiences.

Our first virtual retreat is TOMORROW. And yes there’s still time to join us!

Spots are filling steadily for the other two dates, so I definitely don’t recommend delaying for too long.

If you have any fears and questions — leave a comment and let me know. Many of you have written in and I love speaking with you and helping you navigate through whether or not this is the right fit for what you need.

In love and capacity,



PS: I’ll be back with more videos in a few days. One thing we DIDN’T have a shortage of is women raving about the virtual Visibility Capacity retreat!