major money dilemma


lisa fabrega

A few weeks ago in the Capacity Shift™ group call we had a pretty amazing discussion about capitalism and how to build wealth/charge more when we don’t agree with a system that cares about profits over humans. It was a wonderful question brought up by a participant.

In the space of fifteen minutes we got a chance to redefine what we can do to change the face of capitalism so it puts humans over profits. AND the participants walked away having released the fear of charging more money for their work in a way that felt aligned with their values.

If you’ve ever had this fear or felt that conflict–this is actually a Money Capacity™ issue–when you haven’t raised your prices or you feel conflicted about raising/charging more because you’re afraid of perpetuating an unethical dynamic. 

Not working on this Money Capacity issue can put a serious dent in your earning and your progress. That’s not okay with me, because if anything, we need MORE women who care, building wealth. Because you will change the world with that wealth. I know it. 

What I love about Capacity Work™ is that it emphasizes sovereignty and alignment, which means we can empower ourselves to build the world we want to build through our actions and STILL create the wealth and lives that feel aligned for us.

There’s really not many group programs out there that have that level depth of conversation. 

I’m so grateful for the amazing participants and discussions we have in all of my groups about navigating businesses that are wildly successful AND aligned with our values. AND aligned with building a better world. 

Building wealth, creating lives we desire and changing the systems of our world are not mutually exclusive.

Every once in a while I open up a few spots in Capacity Shift™, but they always fill up before I have a chance to send you an email or post about it

This month, I’m getting ahead and I’m telling you right now: I’ve opened up a select number of spots for five women to join us.

What is Capacity Shift™?

It’s a group program, where you:

  • Take a series of assessments to assess where your capacity weak spots are
  • Get a clear plan on how to expand your capacity in those areas
  • Get access to materials that allow you to work on, explore and expand ALL SIX major capacities ambitious women need to look at in order to go to their next level of growth, wealth and impact.
  • Have bi-weekly group coaching calls with me with a chance to book hotseats with me to get coaching on any aspect of your life and business through the lens of capacity.
  • And more…

The best part is that it starts at only $375 a month, so it’s extremely reasonable and an excellent way to work with me if you’ve been curious about Capacity Work™.

Now here’s the part you actually care about– what do people in Capacity Shift™ have to say about their results and their progress?

This is my favorite part! Women have created $25,000 clients, had huge breakthroughs in their marriages, healed toxic family dynamics, gotten 1000 enrollees in their courses and so much more!

In our Facebook group we have wins and celebrations posted every single day. And the women in this group are supportive, kind and absolute powerhouses. (I mean, look at the kinds of discussions they bring up for us to talk about on our calls!) I am known for this: I don’t have any tolerance for spaces where women are catty, competitive or do mean girl stuff. You can be assured you will be in one of the most supportive spaces you’ve probably ever experienced.

I’ve taken a few screenshots of some of the celebrations from women in the program. Feel free to scroll and scroll and scroll!

And when you’re done, all you have to do is fill out a Capacity Discover form here and we’ll get on the phone to chat so I can answer your questions and see how I can support.

I look forward to speaking with you. FYI we are closing access to Capacity Shift as soon as these spots fill up. Fill out your Capacity Discovery form here if you want to talk about Shift. First come, first served.