lisa fabrega

Oh yeah, by the time she got on the phone with me she was spiraling. My client, let’s call her Betty, in the course of one week, had:
- one person try to stop payments for her coaching program
- another client had managed to start a “mini-mutiny” in her group coaching program and turned two other clients against her.
- another client try to postpone her sessions indefinitely because of her stress
- had to cancel a ton of live events she made 50% of her income from.
To say she was going through a stressful time would be #accurateAF.
On top of all that happening in her business, she had the stresses of ordering food and supplies to prepare for self-isolating in her own home. And she was traveling, so she was praying she’d be able to get on one of the last flights to her state before she got stuck somewhere.
It’s no joke, these times are demanding greater capacity from us than ever before. That means these times are also showing us our capacity deficits, too.
There’s a lot to manage, a lot to handle and a LOT to hold. And during times like these, people we support look to us to lead the way.
But how can you lead the way if you’re spiraling, you’re worried, you just feel like you want to stay in bed the whole day, or your thinking is all foggy and you’re so damn tired from all the overwhelm?
How can you find the strength to persevere through a launch that’s underperforming right now without thinking it means you’re doomed because of this virus and no one will ever buy anything from you for the rest of the year?
As I mentioned last week, if you’re someone who is in a place of severe trauma right now, needing to rest from burnout (that this pause has highlighted for you) or are in dire straits and need to figure out how you’re going to pay your next bill, then please do go do what you have to do and take care of you. What’s coming next in this email doesn’t apply to you.
If you’re not in that place and you’re not liking how you’re showing up right now as a leader…if something about the way you are reacting to this or showing up in this doesn’t sit right with you…
If you’re finding this pandemic revealed some wobbles in your business and leadership that are staring you in the face and you aren’t liking what you’re seeing…
If you’re noticing you don’t have the capacity you thought you did to deal with the new stressful situations that are popping up for you. And you can’t quite seem to keep moving forward and managing your career or business in a centered way despite the added stress…
If you don’t like how worries about what “might ” happen with you money-wise a few months down the line are paralyzing you. Or you notice you’re losing your abundance mindset because POTENTIAL money fears are making you freeze…
If you are a planner and preparer and you want to make sure you are READY to do what’s best for you and your community in the months ahead…
If you know these times are times for leaders to rise and shine, and you want to be one of those leaders that thrives and grows during this time (and as a result helps others to do the same) but you aren’t quite sure to do that…
Then my NEW Capacity in Crisis Workshop is for you.
It’s only $99, it’s 90 minutes. And we’re going to cover the 4 pillars you need to be relying heavily on right now so that you can not only get through this time like a badass, but actually THRIVE and keep moving forward WITHOUT letting fears immobilize you or lead you to make bad or short term business decisions.
As for my client, Betty, here’s what happened with her…
We worked on the four pillars of her capacity that day she called me spiraling. By the end of the call she was feeling a million times better and knew what she needed to do.
She got on the phone with the client who wanted to cancel her payments and had a beautiful, grounded conversation with her. The client was so grateful for the conversation and how Betty showed up for her, that she even started talking about renewing her program with her after the current one was complete.
She had a direct, firm but loving conversation with the client who was triangulating and turning group members against her. She was able to address the REAL reason her client was acting that way (which was her not managing her stress properly and taking it out on her, the coach). Not only did the client apologize and start respecting her boundaries better, but the other two people she had “turned against her” also stopped their nonsense and apologized.
And Betty was able to see past her fear (which was paralyzing her ability to think clearly how to pivot) of her in person events being canceled. She and I created a clear, concise and powerful plan that would allow her to recoup most of that income through powerful, transformational virtual events unlike what anyone has seen before.
She’s back on track. Emotionally, financially and mentally. Her calls with clients are better than ever. And she’s feeling actually EXCITED about the times up ahead, because she sees them as just new challenges to grow from and get creative with.
Now she’s got the capacity to deal with her new world and as a result, is leading calmly without getting constantly thrown off by the dramas around her.
Again, if the way you’re showing up or not showing up is nagging at you and you want help with that, join us at the workshop.
**We close enrollment in just one week.**
And yes, there will be a recording, so don’t hold off just cause you can’t make it live. Though I highly recommend you be there live, you can still get the recording if you 100% can’t be there.