lisa fabrega

A few weeks ago we talked about visibility capacity. Today I’m back to talk with you about your visibility capacity and what it looks and feels like when it’s fully expanded.
As we’ve already discussed: VISIBILITY capacity is your ability to let ALL of you be SEEN – professionally and personally. When it’s out of alignment it shows up as hiding integral parts of you that make you unique and have the potential to catapult you to the next level.
This can also feel like you’re getting the wrong kind of attention and opportunities — but when your visibility capacity is in full bloom… here’s what it looks like through the prism of the four pillars… (check it out in the video below)
As a reminder, applications are open for ambitious womxn who want to work with me to expand their capacity so that they can step into a whole new way of being in the world.
That looks like:
- greater profits (clients regularly have amazing profit margin & revenue improvements doing this capacity work)
- pay raises (on average clients get pay raises from $15,000 all the way up to $100,000 after the capacity work)
- feeling truly supported by your relationships (business or personal – marriages have been saved, womxn have met their soulmates)
- being more connected to your purpose than ever and receiving accolades for BEING YOU (and not feeling like you have to fit in to some mold to be successful)
- feeling like you can handle ALL challenges that come with stepping into greater visibility like a BOSS.
When you fill out the Capacity Discovery Form right here, not only can you get deeper insight into where you need to expand your capacity (and may not even know it!) to get the results you want this year…
but you also get a chance to hop on the phone with me to get clear on what capacity areas need to shift for you to reach your goals this year and beyond with grace and ease.
Okay, now to discovering what being truly visible can look and feel like for you…
In love and capacity,