lisa fabrega

Every once in a while you work with a client who has a growth trajectory so huge, it inspires you for years afterward. I’m lucky to have many clients like that, many of whom are still in touch with me today.
But today I want to introduce you to a womxn who through expanding her visibility capacity, managed to get heads of state to sign petitions for entire countries to abolish nuclear weapons.
Rebecca Irby was one of my first clients almost 10 years ago. When I met her, she was 30 years old, in Japan teaching English as a second language with her husband, and getting drunk with 20-year-olds almost every night.
She was completely hiding who she really was: in her marriage, in her work, and from herself. She also felt like she had zero connection to her purpose. All she knew is that she wanted to contribute to more peace in the world.
Ugh, I feel like that makes me sound like an airhead Barbie at a beauty competition, she told me… But we followed that hunch in our coaching for almost a year.
Now, she’s made a massive impact in the world by choosing to expand her capacity — particularly her visibility capacity. Which is exactly what we’re working on this month. Right here.
How the heck did she go from getting drunk on a couch every night to highly sought after peace expert, meeting and influencing global leaders?
I’ll let Rebecca tell you in her own words, because I interviewed her for you.
Listen, I want you to set aside 20 minutes for this. It will be worth it. You are going to walk away from this so inspired about what is possible for you. I walked away inspired myself.
And if you’ve ever thought to yourself, “oh this publicity/visibility thing isn’t for me” or “I’m not ready yet, maybe next year”, or “who am I to think I can go for my biggest goal?”, WATCH THIS.
You’ll realize why you absolutely cannot wait on being visible.
Watch Rebecca’s interview here:
In this deeply personal, no-holds-barred interview we cover:
- How she went from laid-off researcher to ESL teacher in Japan, to finally becoming the proud head of a not for profit organization associated with Nobel Peace Prize winners, headquartered at the United Nations.
- Dealing with a spouse who becomes threatened by your increased visibility.
- How she built her capacity to have the confidence to take meetings with global leaders and getting them to sign documents agreeing to abolish nuclear weapons.
- Why letting certain things die opens up the path for your highest purpose and room for your greatest visibility.
- How allowing herself to be fully seen led her to influence global peace policies at the United Nations.
- Temptations along the way: being offered highly paid jobs that went against her values and turning them down (this is also visibility capacity and you’ll learn why).
- The visibility tactic I taught her that she still uses 10 years later and how it has led to huge opportunities.
After watching Rebecca, you’ll see why now is the time to get more visible. Now is the time to expand your capacity for visibility and get excellent strategies for more media & publicity so you can impact millions.
And there has never been a better time. Because not only are the doors open for my our Visibility co-mentor this month (Selena Soo)’s program which shows you how to go from Best Kept Secret to Impacting Millions…
I’m also including $3000 worth of my own bonuses to help you expand your visibility capacity as I did with Rebecca in our coaching many years ago.
With my bonus package, you’re getting capacity expansion AND strategy. You can’t go wrong.
Click here to learn more and impact millions.
In love and capacity,
PS: my bonuses include:
- A 1:1 call with me (worth $1250 and for first five who enroll)
- A ticket to my Capacity Expansion retreat weekend at my personal home in Santa Barbara (worth $1000 and for the first fifteen who enroll)
- A ticket to my virtual Visibility Capacity Expansion retreat (worth $500)
- And free access to my beloved Fearless Selling Live program that teaches you how to deliver a sales call with someone with ZERO slime and instead gathers an inspired YES from all the clients you’ll be getting by doing Selena’s program. (Worth $250)
To lock in these bonuses + get my exclusive bonus package, join Impacting Millions® using my special link here.