From the blog…

Visibly Invisible

If I ask you, “what do you do” – do you clam up, fumble over your words, and excuse yourself to the bathroom?  Luckily, you’re not alone if you feel this, because this is very common! I’ve helped thousands of people with this exact issue. In all cases, they believed they could fix it by…

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Triggered AF

When I was a kid, my sister and I made up a game called “dress of jewels.” You open your closet, look at a dress, then close it and say  “I wish for a dress of rubies, emeralds, and diamonds!” If you wished hard enough, it would happen. We always convinced ourselves we’d seen a…

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Want to know what one of the biggest fears you’ll encounter when you’re setting new boundaries? It’s a tricky one! A few months ago I was speaking about boundaries with one of our Capacity Shift™ clients on a group call. She was setting new boundaries she wasn’t used to having, but which she needed for…

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The Worst Imaginable Thing

I was listening to Bob Iger’s book “The Ride of A Lifetime” in my car while I was on vacation recently. The opening was so intense and riveting; I was 30 minutes late to my doctor’s appointment because I lost track of time. Several years back, one of the worst imaginable tragedies that ever happened…

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