From the blog…

fluffy dog fight

There’s a corner in my office I love. It gets beautiful light in the morning and I even bought a beautiful chair so I can sit there and look out into my back garden while I drink my tea. There’s just one “problem”… Every time I go to sit on it, this ^^ is what…

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doom spiraling

Several years ago, I noticed my brain doing this really weird thing in the middle of the night. It happened so often, I gave it a nickname: “doom spiraling.” Here’s how it usually went: I’d wake up between the hours of 2 – 4 am and have a feeling of dread in my body. My…

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clean before cleaning?

Growing up in Panamá, both my parents worked, so they required some help in the housekeeping department while juggling careers, three children and a country under the constant turmoil of a dictatorship. While we all pitched in to keep the surface level of the house clean, once a week a housekeeping crew did a deeper…

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I built it, now I hate it

You know what really gets me riled up? Hearing this: “So-and-so expert told me I should pick this as my focus, because it’s a topic that’s a known “money-maker.” Whenever I hear this, there’s someone on the other end of the line seeking my help. And it’s usually one of two scenarios: 1) They’ve dedicated…

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