From the blog…

power drain

On Sunday, I fired a service provider I’d worked with for almost two years. I liked them as a human being and I greatly enjoyed my work with them. But there was a sneaky thing that kept happening that ultimately made the relationship untenable. It’s also the culprit of one of the biggest complaints I…

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bad idea

A personal trainer once told me that for Olympic sprinters, a 30 second sprint requires a prior 90 second rest. For an intense burst of activity, your muscles need three times the amount of rest, so they have the energy reserves to break records. That tidbit of information completely changed the way I viewed achieving…

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debate trauma

I didn’t watch the US presidential debates a few weeks ago. On purpose. And if you’ve been trying to preserve your mental health during a pandemic and/or you’re recovering your nervous system from trauma, burnout or exhaustion…it’s okay if you didn’t watch, too. This isn’t about politics. It’s also not about bypassing what’s happening.  Nor…

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super defensive

A few weeks ago, someone I implicitly trust shared something with me that hurt my feelings. They shared a particular behavior I do when I’m feeling unsure about something is “off-putting”. I’m a Cancer, astrologically speaking, and one of my favorite memes about Cancers is this one: I laugh hysterically whenever I see this meme…

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