From the blog…


I can’t with this.


I’ve been seeing a lot of people “battle it out” on social media in the last week about “what we should be doing during this time.” On one side of the arena are the people saying tone-deaf and privilege-unaware things like “if you don’t come out of this pandemic with a new skill or having…

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Stop it.

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A few weeks ago a friend asked me “how have you stayed so centered? Aren’t you worried about the ‘unknowns’ coming in the next few months?”  (Don’t worry, this email isn’t going to turn into a self-congratulatory vanity show. Keep reading because this email is about YOU.) My friend is successful, but she’s taken a…

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read if you’re panicked or worried

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  If you’re starting to feel the world’s panic and fear slowly inject itself into your peace, I want to tell you a story today, because it’ll lift a big weight off your chest and bring you back to a sense of security.  When I was 8 years old, a scary incident in an elevator…

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evade and avoid


Every year, hundreds of people book sessions with me to explore working together.  At the end of those calls, we always talk about money/what they want to invest in Capacity Work™. After ten years of these calls, I’ve learned A LOT about sneaky ways we sabotage and even reject money.  Observing the way a person…

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