lisa fabrega

Remember a few weeks ago when we talked about your structural capacity? We talked about where you might be experiencing structural capacity issues in the most unexpected places and then in our second video about structural capacity we talked about all the unexpected ways you avoid doing the work to expand your structural capacity.
Today I’m back to talk with you about what your structural capacity looks and feels like when it’s fully expanded so that you can step into a whole new way of being in the world.
Your STRUCTURAL capacity is your ability to have structures and systems that actually support you to be at your best in every area of your life. When it’s out of alignment it shows up as looking good on the outside but on the inside, it’s a sh*tshow.
But here’s how it could be when seen through the prism of the four pillars of the capacity framework:
If this conversation has sparked something in you – we need to connect because you might be ready to work with me, just like several other high-caliber womxn who are determined to expand their capacity as well.
What this looks like is expanding your capacity to receive more abundance this year — financially, emotionally, spiritually, and structurally. This is about doing the most important work you can do to expand to your next level of wealth, impact, and legacy. Without this work, you just can’t get there.
I know you’re ready to have a leadership experience unlike any other “strategic mastermind” out there, that will actually give you tangible and intangible results that change everything for you this year. I know because most womxn who work with me have already done the strategy masterminds, the formulas, the funnels, only to find that the results they really want only happen when we do the capacity work.
Are you feeling a tug in your soul and wondering if this is right for you? The only way to find out is to click here and fill out the Capacity Discovery Form today so you and I can get deeper insight into where you need to expand your capacity. No more waiting — let’s connect soon! Spots are filling up to work with me and I want to make sure you don’t go another year coming back to the same issues which no strategy can solve for you.
In love and capacity,