lisa fabrega

In our first conversation about boundaries, I showed you where you might be experiencing boundary capacity issues (even if you think your boundaries are locked in and solid). And then in our second video, we talked about all the hidden ways you avoid doing the work to expand your boundary capacity.
Y’all LOVED this particular conversation — the comments and engagement we got on this video were off-the-chain. Let’s dive DEEPER into boundary capacity today.
Your BOUNDARY capacity is your ability to not only guard your time and energy, but to make specific, clear, and easily granted requests from the Universe.
Let’s explore further into how life can look and feel for you when your boundary capacity is fully expanded. Watch today’s video on boundary capacity below.
Today, I’m giving you permission to abandon strategy seeking and I invite you to expand your capacity. And finally step into a new way of being in the world. Are you ready?
If so, then you’re ready to find out how to expand your capacity this year.
If you’re committed to expanding your wealth this year, financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually… If you’re committed to making this the year that you exponentially expand your impact and your legacy in the world… then I invite you to apply to work with me.
Spots are limited (this is a high-touch transformative experience) and I don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to get the kind of results you dream of this year.
This is unlike any other leadership experience you’ve had — most masterminds or business plans focus only on strategy with capacity work as a superficial afterthought. Which is funny because exponential growth and wealth can ONLY happy with capacity expansion work.
Hundreds of womxn worked with me and seen results bigger than any “strategic” mastermind they were in. I don’t want you to miss out on your most incredible year yet because you’re sitting on the fence.
The only way to find out if this is right for you is to fill out the Capacity Discover Form. That will provide you with all the details so you can make a grown-womxn decision. If what you see rings a bell for you, let’s get my eyes on your capacity — TODAY.
In love and capacity,