From the blog…

say no to $33 million

Even though I went to a big football college (Notre Dame, I’m not the HUGEST of sports fans), I never thought I’d be writing you about a football player. But it was one of the most thought-provoking and inspiring examples of boss-level Money Capacity™ I’ve seen in a while, so I HAD to tell you…

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cute puppies alert!

Six years ago, my long-time dog, Lucy, passed away. I was so devastated that it took me a while to be “ready” to adopt another dog. Two years ago, I adopted new dogs, Luna and Sadie, from my local shelter. I only planned to adopt one dog, but when I saw Luna and Sadie on the…

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no one understands me

My best friend admitted to me many years ago: “I feel like no one understands me,” whenever we got into a deep conversation. During our time as friends, I saw him in three long-term relationships. When he was dating, he still says the same thing. I thought this was a curious thing. He surrounded himself…

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Work Kills?

A friend of mine was sharing a story with me recently about a peer of hers who had a successful launch. But there was waaay more to this story than meets the eye.  We’ll call her friend who launched “Alice.” Alice did all the things to launch, and it was true blood, sweat, and tears. …

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