From the blog…

unsettling realization

Becoming your next level self is not supposed to be easy… A few years ago I was doing the “future visioning” exercises I teach clients in the Capacity Shift™ program and I had an unsettling realization: I had a BIG vision for my life and my business–Oprah-level big. But when I looked at who I…

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against every “Internet marketing” rule

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Wow. The feedback about It’s Not Your Strategy, It’s Your Capacity: A Guided Journaling Experience has been amazing. And, I’m in deep gratitude. If you weren’t able to join us, read on for transparency times 10.  Yesterday, enrollment officially opened publicly for Capacity Shift, a group container for my proven capacity framework. And, today, I’m inviting…

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emergency landing


Remember a few years ago when that plane landed in the Hudson River and the pilot, Captain Sully, maneuvered to save every single person on board? Imagine for a moment that you’re him. Decades of being trained to listen to air traffic control’s commands NO MATTER WHAT. Shortly after take off a flock of birds…

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secret shaman

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One of the biggest misconceptions I hear is “once you get to a certain amount of income, life is easy. And “those high earners certainly must not have capacity issues, since they’re making so much money.”  Think again. Capacity issues affect us at every level of our success. I briefly worked with a woman who’d…

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