From the blog…


I’m triggered


For as long as I’ve had a business, I’ve repeatedly heard a particular thing from people who choose to work with me: “You used to trigger me so much, but for some reason I stayed following you. Now I realize it’s because back then I wasn’t ready to face my stuff. Now I am.”  Then…

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your blindspot cycles

Two years ago I wrote a post that went viral, “When the world is dying, do this”.  One thing you notice when you’re working with people on their capacity for over a decade is the world goes through cycles. And the cycles repeat until we learn our lessons and wake up to the blindspots we’ve…

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are you regressing?

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Is it just me or have you seen some really strange and “out of left field” behavior coming out of people lately?  Scratch that. I know it’s not me. It’s something I keep hearing from everyone.  I’ve also seen some people who I thought were pretty stable and solid-at-the-core get REALLY thrown off their balance…

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my relationship status

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A few years ago, I had an uncomfortable experience at a retreat I was leading. It was the end of a breakthrough day and my team had champagne & desserts set out for participants as we all socialized.  I was sitting on a couch chatting with several women when one of them abruptly and oddly…

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