From the blog…


daddy issues, money issues

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Picture of a client at one of my mastermind retreats in Santa Barbara Several years ago, I was scrolling through Facebook when yet another ad from some ‘guru’ offering to ‘triple my revenue’ popped up. I rolled my eyes, clicked ‘hide ad’ and moved on. I’d spent two years stuck at a revenue plateau in…

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LBD or acid-washed jeans?

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A few months ago I found myself in the middle of a verrry interesting conversation with a fellow business owner at an event we were both attending.  She was BLOWN AWAY I still send emails to my community and write blog posts on a consistent basis. Her exact words, said with a condescending laugh, were:…

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money ghosting

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Ever been “money ghosted”? Bet you have. You might have unknowingly money ghosted someone, too. Allow me to explain. Last month, when I announced we were opening up the virtual Money Capacity retreat, we had SO many people sign up for the interest list (way more than spots available).  When the time came to enroll,…

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losing $400 million

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Ever watched the TV show “Billions“? I hadn’t until last week when a friend texted me and said “Lisa, you’ve got to watch this show. The character of Wendy does what you do!” Now, I’ve never met anyone that does what I do, so I HAD to watch this show. I binged the first season…

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