From the blog…

You Deserve More Than This

I was sitting on my back porch drinking my homemade morning latte when the email came in… “I’m shutting everything in my business down and taking an extended period off, I don’t know what will happen during this time or what it will mean but thank you for being part of my community and I’ll…

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Why I Stopped Hosting Masterminds

I’ve never liked the phrase, “you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Even as a child, I bristled whenever I heard someone say it. I didn’t understand how humans had gotten this idea that only one option was possible. Why not open up to the whole cornucopia of possibilities we could craft a…

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What Women CEOs Can Learn From Men

Have you ever considered the reason your next level of visibility, profitability & impact feels draining is because… you keep disqualifying yourself? In 14 years of coaching both men & women, I’ve noticed a trend. Men always ask for more money, set more grandiose goals without shame or questioning themselves, and apply for my programs…

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I ghosted…here’s why

So you may have noticed I haven’t posted in a while…and I did this on purpose. This isn’t a “popular” tactic that many people talk about. It probably feels contradictory to what I often tell you about the importance of being consistently visible.  But that’s the thing I love about being an expert in helping…

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