From the blog…

Why I Love Discomfort

I read the most incredible quote last week, and it summarized in a nutshell why we sometimes get stuck, feeling like nothing is working. “If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we are not really living. Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. It may mean a giving up of familiar…

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Big Secret

Years ago a client hired me to help her with visibility struggles. She was a “best kept secret” – people in her industry respected her work and hired her to help them make millions with their launches.  But she was struggling to make anything past $150,000, even after being in business for 5 years.  How…

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I’m in Oprah Magazine!

I have been holding this in for a week! I was traveling down to Panama recently when my friend Lynne texted me THIS picture, saying “I love seeing this in my O Magazine!”: I was amazed!  Y’all already know how in July, Oprah and Gayle came to my house to surprise me in person. So,…

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Dirty secret

I have a cute little water fountain on the side of my house. I dutifully fill it with water every day to enjoy the bubbling sounds throughout my day as I work.  But sometimes, when it’s a particularly sunny day, I’ll walk outside, and it will be bone dry and empty just a few hours…

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