From the blog…

head, meet wall

About seven years ago, I quit going to all of the “Envision Your New Year” type workshops that I was bombarded with every January. I also quit ordering yearly planners. Why? Because I’d use that planner for a few weeks and months later I’d find it in a random drawer completely forgotten. There’s a reason…

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so…where is it?

For the last eleven years, I see the same thing every new year. I see you excitedly sharing you finally joined that book publishing mastermind that will get you to write and publish your bestseller. The business coaching program that promises to make you the next household name or your next six figures. The one…

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it’s ON!

Ever heard about the time the meat industry sued Oprah? On her old TV show, she did an episode on mad cow disease and a couple of cattle ranchers in Texas claimed her show caused meat sales to plummet and sued her. She stood up for herself and was eventually acquitted.  About that time in…

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money ghosting

Ever been “money ghosted”? Bet you have. You might have unknowingly money ghosted someone, or yourself, too… There’s no topic that causes more ghosting and avoidance in business and personal transactions than money.  Money is a triggering topic. The most horrendous comments I get from internet trolls are always on posts where I talk about…

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