From the blog…


can’t with this

cant with this

In the last six months, I’ve seen a lot of people “battle it out” online about “what we should be doing during this time.” On one side of the arena are people saying tone-deaf and privilege-unaware things like “if you don’t come out of this pandemic with a new skill or having improved yourself, you’re…

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you have q’s, I have a’s


This will be short and quick today- I want to answer some questions I’ve been getting about the new Capacity in Crisis workshop I announced last week. We’re closing enrollment soon and I want to help get you off the fence one way or the other! I can’t make it live, will there be a…

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hoard, hustle, avoid


A few weeks after the pandemic first broke out in March, a freaked out colleague asked me “how are you so centered? Aren’t you worried about the ‘unknowns’ coming in the next few months?” Don’t worry, this isn’t a self-congratulatory vanity show. Keep reading, this is about YOU. See, her business took a few hits…

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astronomical costs

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Have you ever opened up a mysterious letter only to find out you had some massive bill that you didn’t even realize was accruing? Or hired someone for what you thought would be a certain price, only to be surprised with a huge bill later?  While you may not have had these EXACT situations happen…

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