From the blog…


turning down God


  One of my clients during an in-person retreat One of my longtime mentors, Voge Smith, told me an amazing story the other day (it’s so good, she put it in her book). An old Zen story of a man who’d spent his entire life searching for God. On his long and arduous search spanning…

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might piss you off, might change your life

  I had a client fretting this week because she raised her prices and she got a “no” from someone she quoted the new price to. She was going into self-doubt about raising her price and questioning herself. She’d felt her client’s money fear and it got to her. Now — I think this IS…

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cramped hand & a crushed soul

  Me and clients in front of a waterfall at one of my retreats. I’ll never forget the message I got from her. It said, “Money manifesting is a SCAM.” A few weeks ago, she’d come across a VERY well known manifestation teacher. Millions of followers. Thousands raving about all they manifested with her secret…

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want a $22,000 check?

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This morning I woke up to this comment in the forum from one of the Capacity Shift™ program participants who is currently working on expanding her Money Capacity: Mind you, she upped her price from $12,000 straight to $22,000 just a few weeks ago BECAUSE she said the Money Capacity work made her feel confident…

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