From the blog…


contagious money thoughtforms

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Me and clients eating dinner at the top-rated restaurant on the island of Santorini during a mastermind retreat in Greece   A few months ago, I was on the phone with a woman who’d built a business with lush retreats in tropical locations. One look at the pictures of her events and you’d drool. The…

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money and your mother

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A few days ago I told you we’re going to talk about Money Capacity for the next few weeks. I announced three NEW virtual retreats dedicated to expanding your Money Capacity. We’re already 25% sold out! I also prepared you for the fact that in our convo about money for the next few weeks, we…

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talk about money

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In the last few weeks, we’ve been diving deep into expanding your Visibility Capacity. It’s been a BLAST to meet so many of you in the virtual Visibility Capacity retreats and see the huge breakthroughs you had. Check out just a FEW of the raves we got from those who attended: Now it’s time to…

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parking lot drama

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I was walking out of the gym yesterday when a woman pulled up next to me in her car and said “Are you leaving? If so, can I follow you? I can’t find a parking spot anywhere!” This is normal at my gym—if you don’t get there by 8am, you’re gonna be driving around for…

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