From the blog…

personal note <3

We’re getting into holiday time, and whichever tradition you celebrate, I want to wish you a happy, easeful and gentle time.  My end-of-the-year vacation started today and I moved into a brand new home a few weeks ago. I’ll be posting pics of my magical cottage on Instagram stories, so make sure if we aren’t…

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sh&t, meet fan.

When you have BIG goals, your relationships are EVERYTHING. It’s profoundly important to have people around you who you trust to call you out on your BS with love. BUT…in order for that trust to truly be there, you need to know those people actually mean you well and cheer you on as hard as…

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don’t do it

I have a bone to pick with the “personal development industry.” There’s this particular thing I see pushed constantly in PD programs and business/money coaching programs and it’s great when it works. But when it doesn’t, it’s downright harmful and causes long-lasting damage to your business or career. It can cause you to earn LESS…

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do you like me?

“I think I’m codependent in my business!” This was what a client exclaimed to me on our private call a few weeks ago. She first came to work with me because she’d been in the business coaching program of a pretty famous business coach, yet her business was still struggling to get clients and she…

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