From the blog…

this email disturbed me

Clients at one of my Capacity Retreats in Santa Barbara   I got an email a few days ago that really floored me. A womxn who has been wanting to work with me for a LONG WHILE wrote in saying this: “I’ve been wanting to work with you for a long time, your message really…

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why ‘making a plan’ doesn’t work

(Me and clients on a mastermind retreat in France)   Every day I hear dream-killing phrases like this: “My dream is to own a retreat home in Greece.” “I want to get to $2.7 million in revenue next year.” “My goal is to get that huge promotion and a 2x pay raise.”  And then inevitably…

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the money question you’re not asking yourself

Money Capacity is the one thing I talk about with all of my clients, whether they’re six-figure earners, or eight. Whether they’re rising stars or already established. I don’t care how far along you get in your career or business, you’re ALWAYS going to be expanding your money capacity. Always. I’m almost a decade into…

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cocaine, yoga and instagram superstars

Go online, to a networking event, or join a mastermind and you’ll notice this: everyone says they want to make seven figures and beyond. Impact the world. Speak at the UN. Become the thought leader darling of their industry. Get on Oprah. Or the New York Times Bestseller List. Have a Fortune 500 company. But…

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